微服務 (國泰人壽)
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微服務API Gateway
[/vc_column_text][title-section title="簡介" class="fsize24"][/title-section][vc_column_text]協助國泰人壽舊有的CRM系統從單片架構重新規劃構建成微服務架構,將服務依據功能拆分為多個微服務建置在容器應用之上,基於容器服務的應用可達到快速佈建、擴展、高可用等特性,大大地優化了存取效能以及增加架構的彈性;隨著微服務的拆分需管理的服務也隨之增長,故本案亦導入Gemini API Gateway,可透過易於操作的Portal管理服務上/下架、路由編排、認證、限流及安全控管等操作,一次管理多資料中心跨節點的大量微服務存取及利用Portal強大的可視化圖表觀察每一個服務及API存取狀態,利於維運人員迅速掌握各服務狀態。[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_empty_space height="52px"][/vc_column][/vc_row][:en][vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height="48px"][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text]- Solution: Microservice
- Introduction: Assisted Cathay Life Insurance's old CRM system to re-plan and build a microservice architecture from a monolithic legacy architecture, splitting the service into multiple microservices built on container applications. Container-based service can achieve rapid deployment, scalability, and high availability etc., greatly optimizing access efficiency and increasing the flexibility of the architecture. Since there are more microservices split, services need to be managed. In this case, we introduced Gemini API Gateway, which can be operated through a user friendly portal to manage APIs’ life cycle, routing, authentication, traffic restriction and security controls. Managing a large number of microservices access across nodes in multiple data centers at once, and using Portal's powerful visual charts to observe each service and API access status at a time, so that IT managers can quickly grasp the status of each service.